A few factors influence the final cost of an application the most. There’s no difference whether we’re talking about the web, desktop, or mobile app development. Those always matter.
There are multiple factors affecting the MVP cost, but the most important and significant are:
- type of development team
- hourly rate of your development company
- type of contract
- technology stack & the scale of the app
- the scope of the project: design & functionalities
Type of development team
First of all, the key is who will be developing your app. You have 3 options: hire an in-house development team, choose freelance developers or outsource MVP development to a software development company.
Each of them has its pros and cons. If you want to learn more, check our articles on outsourcing and building your in-house team comparison and analysis of who is better to hire: freelance developers or a software development company.
Let’s summarise. Hiring a software development company is usually the cheapest way to your MVP development as you are provided with every talent you might need (including a project manager to manage the product development process). Those people are used to working with each other, and they take the burden of project management off your shoulders. Based on their experience, they can also suggest better and cheaper solutions.
Hourly rate as an MVP costs factor
Hourly rates might be considered the most important factor in defining the MVP app cost. Let’s say you have a perfectly estimated man-hours demand; it’s up to the hourly rate how much that will cost.
Hourly rates depend on how many years companies are on the market, how many successful products they made, the level of expertise and seniority of developers (junior, mid, senior), and whether their competencies are unique.
The most important factor, however, is location. You need to assess whether hiring a local team or choosing onshore or offshore outsourcing is worthwhile.
Eastern Europe is the most attractive outsourcing region, known for its high development skills and low prices. In fact, Eastern Europe is the third region with the lowest prices, after Asia and Africa.
So, how much does it cost to hire a developer? Average hourly rates are different in various locations:
Region Average hourly rate
- North America: $100-$180
- South America: $30-$50
- Western Europe: $110-$200
- Eastern Europe: $25-$50
- Africa: $20-$40
- Australia: $100-$180
- Asia: $15-$40

For more details on how hourly rates vary worldwide, check Gabriela Adynowska’s article on software outsourcing destinations.
Type of contract
Basically, you can choose a Fixed-Price, Time & Materials, and Milestone-based or a dedicated team contract. Mike Popov provided a comparison of those, extremely helpful when choosing the best model for your project development.
Keep in mind that this choice affects the entire development process and the MVP cost. Based on my experience, I recommend you Time & Materials contract as it gives you flexibility and is the most cost-effective at the end of the day. Fixed-Price contracts seem secure, but you usually pay more than you would in the case of T&M, to mention just one of the risks. If you want to find out the 6 risks and challenges associated with Fixed-Price contracts, check my article on that point.
Technology stack and scale of application
There are technologies easy to use for developers but not scalable or poorly optimized and technologies that offer more possibilities or better optimization but require an experienced development team to build something with them. When choosing a technology for your MVP, there is always a trade-off.
It is easier and faster to develop web applications than desktop or mobile apps, but a website opened on mobile will never look as good as a native application. It will probably also have more UX limitations.
Choosing what frontend you want to build is the first decision to make in the MVP app development, and the second is how to build it. There are tools like WordPress, which give you frontend applications fast and relatively cheap. However, it works slowly, is not that customizable, and scales poorly. On the other hand, maybe there is no point in building an incredible yet complex frontend before the idea is properly tested.
Backend technology can also strongly impact the implementation time and budget, but easy-to-implement solutions often have higher usage costs or are not designed for larger project scales.
I have 3 tips for choosing technology for the project development:
- Analyze your needs – There is no best tech stack, but there can be the best tech stack for your project. Application for million users will require a different tech stack than internal company tools for a few employees. When you create an app for Gen-Z Americans, there is no point in building it for Android, as 80% of the market uses iOS. Analyze your goals and needs, and make decisions only based on that.
- Trust the experts – the choice is enormous, and without knowing the options, it’s not possible to make the right choice, that’s why ask experts for advice and let them guide you through the decision.
- Value seniority – most developers can learn new technologies, but it will take them much time and eat much of your budget. Hire teams with experience in the chosen tech stack, as they will do it faster and better, and even if their average hourly rate seems higher, you’ll pay less in the end.
Scope – design & app features
What defines an app’s complexity level are its functionalities. There might be very standard yet difficult-to-implement features like email status tracking, which is very challenging on the authorization level. Or non-standard solutions that require a lot of research, for example, integration with a custom 3rd party tool.
Keep in mind that an MVP idea is to build limited features and check whether there’s a demand for it.
I know you’re here for the specifics, so let’s break down a few most common app functionalities. I want to explain to you why it’s so hard to estimate them, and there is just no one price I can give you.
User authentication – Login, Signup, Password Recovery
There are several ways to approach this topic from a technical point of view. Each solution will have different development, maintenance, and usage cost. But overall, the time to implement the backend and frontend of Signup, Sign-in, Password Recovery Flow, and Logout functionality is about 4-6 development days (32-48 hours).
If you need social login, add 2-3 days (16-24 hours) for each provider (i.e. Google, Apple, Facebook, Github).
If you want to have a non-standard authentication, like passwordless login, it requires at least 5-6 additional days. Same for the Two Factor Authentication.
- Signup, Sign-in, Password Recovery Flow, and Logout: 32-48 hours
- Social login: 16-24 hours per provider
- Non-standard authentication: 40-48 hours
- Two Factor Authentication: 40-48 hours

Chat is one of the most popular features and is used in all applications with social interactions. The cost of implementing a chat can vary between 5 man days to 5 months. What influences the difference? Building an elementary chat with standard UI components will probably take an experienced developer around a week. Still, the chat has a huge potential to have awesome functions, and building them might take months.
Maybe you’ve noticed that at the beginning, as an MVP app, the Instagram chat was extra basic, even primitive. You couldn’t share images, there were no likes to messages, no group chat, you couldn’t resend messages after failure, and there was no information if the reader saw your message. All these features were added step by step over the years. Advanced chat tools like Slack offer much more than that and believe me, it took them years to implement and optimize.
- Basic 1-on-1 messages: 40 hours
- Messanger-like chat: 800 hours (no calls or camera filters)
- Slack-like chat: over 1 year (>2000 man hours)

Online/In-app shopping
It is a very useful tool to monetize your application, and implementing a simple ‘Buy now’ button can be straightforward and take 2 development days. Of course, if you use the right tools (like Stripe), it is a simple flow. The development time increases if your application needs shopping cart functionality, requires invoicing, automated emails, or any other shopping-related features. Unless shopping is not your core functionality, I wouldn’t expect implementation will take longer than a month, even with quite advanced features.
- Simple buy now button: 16 hours
- shopping cart functionality: 40 hours
- Basic shopping cart functionality: 160 hours
- In-app Invoicing panel: 40-60 hours
- Automated emails: 40-60 hours

Features that influence the whole estimate
I could discuss a million cases like this, but let’s stop here and mention only one additional topic regarding functionalities pricing. There are some features that impact the whole application, and their cost is a percentage value of the overall estimate. These functions influence all features of the app on the front-end and usually add significant backend complexity.
The time-consuming factor of such features is calculated based on all other app requirements. To estimate the time needed to build such features, we add a percentage value to the previously prepared estimation. It’s done that way because the bigger your app is, the more work it requires to build those solutions.
Examples of that can be:
- User types and permissions: 30-70% depending on the differences between the roles.
- Localisation: 20-30%.
- Use of Headless CMS: 20-30%

Another thing to explain is why the percentage for user types and permissions is so inaccurate. The final value depends on how complicated the solution is. If different kinds of users vary only according to what app elements they can see, it takes far less time than when we must develop practically two apps – one for each kind of user. The best example might be an e-commerce platform or an auction app when the company’s and buyers’ interfaces and functionalities are totally different.
I hope this gives you an overview of how much different apps might cost, but most of all, you understand that it is extremely hard to estimate projects without knowing the requirements.
UI design
Another factor aside from the coding process that can hugely impact the application’s cost is its design. Right now on the market, there are tons of UI templates available, using them speeds development up, but you don’t get a fully custom, one-of-a-kind application, so there’s another trade-off.
Very unique UI designs may increase the whole application cost even twice, especially for mobile development, but I’m sure for some businesses, it is worth the money because it will generate value. More about how to design an app you’ll find in this ultimate guide.
In the case of an MVP development, I would rather recommend using templates and adjusting them to your brand as possible.
The devil in the details
The Pareto principle says that roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. This applies to software development, too (including MVP development). The most essential features that make up most of the app’s value cost only 20% of the budget while developing tiny details and improvements can consume up to 80% of the budget.
Let’s take a look at an example. You can see a super simple app navigation panel in the image below? It is obviously not pretty, but it has functionality.
We used a ready element from a component library to add this functionality to the app. Implementation of it took around an hour, but there are plenty of things we should improve for it to match production standards:
- improve colour contrast – instead of using theme blue, we should use custom colour for the texts -> 20 minutes
- there should be a few pixels margin between the icons and texts -> 20 minutes
- user should be able to close the menu by any outside click, and right now, they can only click the arrow next to the user icon to do it -> 30 minutes
These are just very basic enhancements, and we have already doubled the implementation time. It would probably take a few hours if the design was more custom and we couldn’t use predefined components. And we’re only discussing the UI of a navigation panel, imagine what happens when we have complex user flows with many pages and backend involved.
As you can see, the details matter. They greatly impact the MVP development cost but can strongly affect the user experience. The question is, what is the goal of your application, and what budget do you have for disposal?
The component presented above was used in a bidding portal that main goal was to gather clients and start making money. Now that the business is functioning, there is an additional budget for investing in the page, redesigning it, and improving the UX. Page was very simple and cheap, allowing the owner to invest mostly the business’s money, not private funds.