Mark Cameron
Technical Solutions Manager

10 min read

June 30, 2026

How to Choose the Best Outsourcing Strategy: Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore

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Our shared need for precision, fair play, and heightened tension during matches shapes a willingness to incorporate new sports technologies.

  1. Moreover, this technological enhancement adds a layer of suspense and anticipation.
  2. Intensifying the drama of each match and contributing to a new dimension in our evolving sporting landscape.
  3. Moreover, this technological enhancement adds a layer of suspense and anticipation.
  4. Intensifying the drama of each match and contributing to a new dimension in our evolving sporting landscape.

Searching for outsourcing options, you might wonder what is onshore and offshore and how they differ. There is, however, a third option, nearshore, which seems like a great compromise. Which one of them is the best for you? Check out their pros and cons!

Looking for a contractor, you probably know, at least in outline, what the concept of offshore is and how it compares to onshore and nearshore. The three outsourcing models offer a great opportunity for lowering the costs of labour in your projects and help you focus on the big picture, while the specific tasks are delegated outside your company and fulfilled according to your requirements and guidelines. You also get access to a wide pool of experienced developers and their knowledge that might be unique to the whole global market, giving you a significant advantage and a chance to improve the quality of your products. Compared to onboarding new full-time team members, outsourcing helps you to maintain elasticity and choose the required skill sets according to current project requirements.

How does outsourcing benefit your company?

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When onshore is the best option?

Onshore outsourcing, sometimes also referred to as domestic outsourcing, means directing some tasks to someone outside your company, but located in the same country. Interestingly enough, the advantages and disadvantages of this solution may differ slightly depending on the location. For example, it is sometimes associated with higher costs compared to other outsourcing options, but that matter depends primarily on the labour costs in a given country. So while in the USA, Germany or Great Britain onshore is usually presented as a relatively expensive option, in Poland, Lithuania or Latvia this problem is not that important.

In addition, there are several advantages to consider when outsourcing inland. Firstly, it makes communication clearer due to the use of the native language. The second advantage onshore usually has is the lack of time difference, which means that managers and employees do not have to communicate with foreign teams outside their regular working hours.

Onshore also means no difficulties generated by minor cultural differences. For example, contractors celebrate the same holidays as their customers, while offshore ones can take public holidays and hence will not be able to solve problems on the project – especially those really urgent. Furthermore, onshore outsourcing makes it easier to deal with issues related to quality control.

Another advantage of onshore outsourcing is the easier protection of intellectual property. Copyrights may differ a bit from country to country. Therefore, domestic cooperation can be slightly easier regarding the ownership of source codes or sensitive data. Of course, as with any other outsourcing model, the team leader does not have direct oversight of remote staff members, even if they are located in the same country.

So, the question of what is onshore is most easily answered as outsourcing your work within the borders of the country, which can help avoid some issues associated with other models of outsourcing. Onshore outsourcing is then the best solution if what you seek is easy communication, both on personal and administrative levels, and protecting your intellectual property more readily. It is important to note that if you’re located in North America or Western Europe, onshore is definitely more expensive than other options, while not necessarily guaranteeing the best outcome possible.

Why is offshore so popular?

Is nearshore a good compromise?

Offshore vs onshore vs nearshore – what are the differences?

Which outsourcing model should you choose?


Outsourcing is widely used in IT. There is no surprise – an external contractor helps you reduce your labour costs and save your time on recruiting new team members. Some compromises are of course necessary, but usually, it is not a problem with professional and experienced subcontractors. Onshore, nearshore and offshore outsourcing types differ slightly depending on the locations you and your subcontractor are in, giving you various advantages in certain cases. If you search for the best solution, do not hesitate to contact us for guidance and cooperation in any outsourcing model.

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