Mark Cameron
Technical Solutions Manager

10 min read

August 17, 2026

9 Major Risks in Software Development Outsourcing and Strategies to Mitigate Them

What will you learn

Our shared need for precision, fair play, and heightened tension during matches shapes a willingness to incorporate new sports technologies.

  1. Moreover, this technological enhancement adds a layer of suspense and anticipation.
  2. Intensifying the drama of each match and contributing to a new dimension in our evolving sporting landscape.
  3. Moreover, this technological enhancement adds a layer of suspense and anticipation.
  4. Intensifying the drama of each match and contributing to a new dimension in our evolving sporting landscape.

Working with an outsourcing partner who remotely takes over your software development processes is very popular. At the same time, it’s a rewarding practice to both improve business processes and save money. However, it’s perfectly natural if you have some fears and doubts regarding the outsourcing risk before hiring an outsourcing service provider. After all, you share your confidential data and know-how with an external subject which may lead to e.g. data breach. On top of that, there are many outsourcing risks you should take into consideration. Let’s explain the most common risks of outsourcing and learn how to mitigate them

What does an outsourcing model in software development mean?

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What is the most common outsourcing risk?

Now, when we know what outsourcing services are and how you can benefit from them, let’s dive deeper into the most common risks of outsourcing. Over the years in software development, we have met many businesses, regardless of industry size, struggling to outsource their software development processes to an outside vendor.

In most cases, issues were caused by internal factors at the company that ultimately prevented success. We have developed our way to discover red flags, or areas of risk, that fall inside three dimensions:

  • Business – risks that don’t lie within the domain of the IT department, but within those areas of the organization where business stakeholders reside. They can have a massive influence on a company’s final product.
  • Management – such risks are connected with managers and the way they delegate tasks. They occur when the management doesn’t take proper action to ensure that goals are pursued in the right way.
  • Technology – those risks are introduced by flawed elements of the technology architecture, for example, frameworks & tools.

Top risks of outsourcing and how to manage them

How to choose the best outsourcing service provider?

So, how to avoid outsourcing risks?

The final word

Outsourcing comes with some pros and cons. There are also risks of outsourcing that one simply cannot disregard. However, with the right outsourcing company, a chance to reduce the costs of software development and get a huge pool of talented developers is worth the risks. With a carefully chosen development team, IT outsourcing will never turn into a disaster. The right vendor will guarantee high quality and significant cost savings. They will also shoulder all the challenges and responsibilities. At TeaCode, we know how to manage technical and non-technical risks. We’ve been doing it for ages for many clients from various industries. For years, we have been supporting companies in their development and creation of software.

If you want to know more about TeaCode and our experience, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Let’s start with a free consultation.

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