The Role of KPIs and Feedback in Effective Product Management

Product management is a multifaceted discipline that requires a delicate balance of strategic vision, market awareness, and operational efficiency. As companies strive to develop and deliver products that meet customer needs and drive business growth, two critical components emerge as cornerstones of effective product management: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and feedback mechanisms.

This article explores the pivotal role of KPIs and feedback in product management, highlighting their significance, implementation strategies, and best practices.

The Importance of KPIs

In the field of data-driven decision making, KPIs serve as guiding beacons, illuminating the path to organisational success. The significance of them cannot be overstated. They serve as a bridge between a company’s strategic vision and its day-to-day operations. By defining clear, quantifiable objectives, KPIs ensure that every member of the organisation is aligned with the overarching business goals. This alignment fosters a cohesive effort towards achieving the desired outcomes, creating a unified direction that every team member can follow.

Furthermore, KPIs provide a means of measuring performance in a structured and objective manner. In the absence of these indicators, evaluating progress would be subjective and prone to bias. KPIs offer a factual basis for assessing how well strategies are working, enabling organisations to make evidence-based decisions. This capacity to measure and monitor performance over time is crucial for identifying areas that need improvement and recognising successful initiatives.

However, in the labyrinth of data analysis and experimentation, there is a subtle interplay between KPIs and additional metrics. Metrics are specific numerical data obtained from experiments, allowing us to measure and analyse user actions.

While KPIs represent the apex of desired outcomes, they are often preceded by a multitude of intermediate measurements. These additional metrics, though secondary in the hierarchy, play significant roles as milestones on this journey, offering insights into the effectiveness of implemented strategies. For a deeper dive into this, including how KPIs and metrics apply specifically to mobile apps, check out Kasia’s comprehensive article.

Product Development Process

The metric should be established before starting the product development process, not after its completion when adding features like Google Analytics. A well-defined product development process provides a roadmap that guides the project from inception through to completion. A structured approach ensures that all necessary steps are taken to bring a product to market efficiently and effectively. It helps in managing resources, setting realistic timelines, and aligning the team towards common goals.

A clear process also allows for the identification of potential risks and challenges early on, enabling proactive management and mitigation strategies. It ensures that the product not only meets market demands but also delivers value to the users, thereby increasing the chances of its success.

Key Stages of the Product Development Process

The process begins with generating ideas. These ideas can come from various sources, including market research, customer feedback, competitive analysis, and internal brainstorming sessions. It’s essential to have a mechanism for capturing and evaluating these ideas to determine their feasibility and potential impact. Idea screening involves assessing these concepts to filter out those that are not viable. This step ensures that only the most promising ideas move forward, saving time and resources.

Once a viable idea is identified, the next step is to develop it into a detailed concept. This involves defining the product’s value proposition, target audience, and key features. Concept validation is crucial at this stage to ensure that the idea resonates with the intended market. Validation can be achieved through various methods, such as surveys, focus groups, or creating a minimum viable product (MVP) to gather initial feedback from users.

Next step involves conducting a thorough analysis to understand the business implications of the new product. It includes forecasting demand, estimating costs, and evaluating the potential return on investment. A detailed business plan is developed, outlining the product’s market potential, pricing strategy, and go-to-market plan.

With a validated concept and a solid business plan in place, the actual development of the product begins. This phase includes designing, prototyping, and building the product. Collaboration between cross-functional teams, including engineering, design, and marketing, is essential to ensure that the product is developed according to specifications and meets user expectations.

Before launching the product, it undergoes rigorous testing to identify and fix any issues. This phase includes various types of testing, such as alpha and beta testing, usability testing, and performance testing. Feedback from these tests is used to refine the product, ensuring it is robust and user-friendly.

The launch phase involves introducing the product to the market. This includes executing the marketing plan, launching promotional campaigns, and making the product available to users. Effective launch strategies are critical to create awareness and generate initial traction.

The product development process doesn’t end with the launch. Continuous evaluation of the product’s performance in the market is essential. This includes monitoring sales, user feedback, and other key performance indicators (KPIs). Based on this data, the product may undergo further iterations to enhance features, fix issues, or adapt to changing market needs.

Our article about discovery phase offers a more detailed explanation if you’re looking for in-depth insights into the early stages of software development.

The Importance of Feedback in the Development Process

Throughout the product development process, feedback plays a pivotal role. It informs decision-making at every stage, from idea generation to post-launch iteration.

Feedback is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it offers insights into how users interact with the product, highlighting what works well and what needs improvement. This user-centric perspective is invaluable for identifying features that add value and those that detract from the user experience.

Secondly, feedback drives innovation. By understanding users’ unmet needs and desires, product managers can identify opportunities for new features or improvements that can set the product apart in a competitive market. Feedback also fosters a culture of continuous improvement, where user input continually shapes and refines the product.

Understanding the Types of Feedback

Feedback in product management can be broadly categorised into two types: declarative feedback and behavioural feedback.

Declarative Feedback: This type of feedback is explicitly provided by users, often through surveys, interviews, or direct communication. Declarative feedback is invaluable for understanding user opinions, preferences, and suggestions. It allows product managers to capture the voice of the customer directly, providing qualitative insights that can inform product decisions.

Behavioural Feedback: In contrast, behavioural feedback is derived from observing user actions and interactions with the product. This type of feedback is often gathered through analytics tools that track user behaviour within the application. Behavioural feedback provides quantitative data on how users engage with the product, revealing patterns and trends that might not be evident through declarative feedback alone.

The Feedback Loop

The feedback loop is a continuous process that integrates both declarative and behavioural feedback into the product development cycle. This loop involves several key stages:

  • Collection: Gathering feedback from various sources, including user surveys, interviews, focus groups, and analytics data.
  • Analysis: Analysing the collected feedback to identify common themes, issues, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Action: Implementing changes based on the insights gained from the feedback analysis. This could involve developing new features, refining existing functionalities, or making strategic adjustments to the product roadmap.
  • Evaluation: Assessing the impact of the implemented changes to determine if they have successfully addressed user needs and improved the product experience.

This iterative process ensures that feedback is continuously incorporated into product development, fostering a cycle of ongoing improvement and user-centric innovation.

The Importance of Declarative Feedback

Declarative feedback plays a crucial role in identifying user needs and preferences even before specific experiments or changes are conducted. It can be automatically generated by users who leave suggestions about a certain functionality, leave valuable insights or share their opinions. Actively collecting declarative customer feedback through surveys, polls, or direct conversations is essential for understanding the issues users face and the features they desire.

For instance, if a significant number of users express a desire for a particular feature, this feedback can be prioritised in the product roadmap. However, it is important to delve deeper into the reasons behind these requests to ensure that the proposed solutions truly address the underlying needs. Declarative feedback provides the qualitative insights necessary for this deeper understanding.

The Value of Behavioural Feedback

While declarative feedback offers direct insights from users, behavioural customer feedback provides a complementary perspective based on actual user interactions with the product. This type of feedback is often more reliable as it reflects what users do, rather than what they say they do or want.

For example, analytics might reveal that a particular feature is underutilised, indicating potential usability issues or a lack of user interest. Conversely, high engagement with certain functionalities can highlight areas of success and opportunities for further enhancement.

Behavioural feedback allows product managers to make data-driven decisions, ensuring that changes are based on actual user behaviour rather than assumptions or isolated opinions. This evidence-based approach is crucial for effective product management and helps in prioritising efforts that will have the most significant impact on user satisfaction and business outcomes.

Integrating Feedback into Product Development

The collection and analysis of feedback are integral to creating a user-centric product that continually evolves to meet the needs of its audience. Collecting feedback can be approached through various methods, each offering unique advantages. The key is to use a combination of techniques to gather comprehensive, actionable and valuable insights.

Integrating feedback into the product development process involves several strategic steps:

Prioritisation: Not all feedback can be acted upon immediately. Product managers need to prioritise customer data based on factors such as its alignment with business goals, the frequency of the issue, and the potential impact on user satisfaction.

Hypothesis Formation: Feedback can inform the creation of hypotheses about how changes might improve the product. These hypotheses can then be tested through experiments and iterations.

Experimentation: Conducting experiments, such as A/B testing, to validate hypotheses and gather further data on the effectiveness of proposed changes.

Implementation: Based on the results of experimentation, making informed decisions about which changes to implement. This stage involves collaboration with development teams to ensure that changes are executed effectively.

Uber’s Feedback-Driven Innovations

Uber exemplifies how customer feedback can drive product innovation. The introduction of UberPets and Uber for Women were direct responses to user feedback.

UberPets was introduced in response to a common difficulty faced by pet owners when travelling—drivers often refused to transport animals, causing significant inconvenience. Recognising this issue, Uber launched UberPets to facilitate hassle-free travel with pets, ensuring drivers are willing to accommodate animals.

Similarly, Uber for Women was developed in response to safety concerns expressed by female passengers who felt uneasy travelling with male drivers due to fears of assault. To address these concerns, Uber introduced the option for passengers to choose female drivers, enhancing their sense of security during rides.

By addressing these specific needs through innovative solutions, Uber not only enhanced customer satisfaction but also differentiated itself in a competitive market.

Uber’s approach underscores the importance of listening to users and being proactive in addressing their concerns. It also highlights how feedback can lead to the development of unique features that set a company apart from its competitors.

How To stay competitive

However, maintaining a competitive edge in the industry requires not only responding to user feedback but also seeking innovative solutions that are difficult for competitors to replicate. This could involve creating highly advanced technological solutions or offering unique features that are not readily available to other firms.

Thus, a key element of success for new applications is having a clear and easily understandable value proposition that sets them apart from the competition. This allows users to quickly identify why they should use the app, potentially contributing to its popularity, customer loyalty and overall market success.

It’s noteworthy that even platforms like or Airbnb started with simple value propositions. Initially, focused mainly on hotel bookings, offering users easy and convenient ways to reserve accommodations. Only later did they iteratively add more functionalities such as car rentals, insurance purchases, and local attractions reviews. This gradual expansion based on core values allowed them to grow dynamically and adapt to user needs.

The Role of Experiments for Business Decisions

There is a story of one entrepreneur who was considering two locations for a new restaurant. Instead of relying on intuition, the entrepreneur distributed promotional flyers at both locations and monitored the responses received. This straightforward approach enabled an assessment of potential customer interest at each site. The story illustrates the importance of using experiments to inform business decisions.

So, experimentation is a crucial component of the product development process. It involves testing hypotheses about product features, user behaviour, and market dynamics through controlled experiments.

The method of conducting the experiment is also noteworthy. Like in this story, rather than simply informing potential customers that the restaurant did not yet exist, the entrepreneur provided estimated waiting times to gain a deeper understanding of their interest. This allowed him to better gauge potential demand without alienating customers who might be interested in the future.

This story underscores how vital experiments are in making business decisions, especially for significant investments like opening a restaurant. With this strategy, the entrepreneur could make a more informed decision based on data about potential demand in both locations.

Key Approaches to Experiments and Tests

There are various approaches to the process of experiments and tests in the application, which can include developing new features from scratch as well as modifying existing elements. Common experimentation methods include A/B testing, beta testing, pilot launches, “fake door” testing and usability testing.

A/B testing is one of the most widely used methods for experimentation. It involves comparing two versions of a feature (Version A and Version B) to determine which performs better. Active users are randomly assigned to either version, and their interactions are tracked and analysed.

An e-commerce app might use A/B testing to compare two different checkout processes. By measuring metrics such as conversion rate and time to complete the purchase, the team can determine which version leads to higher sales.

Beta testing involves releasing a pre-launch version of the product to a select group of users outside the organisation. This approach allows the team to gather feedback on the product’s performance in a real-world setting and identify any critical issues before a full launch.

A productivity app might conduct a beta test to gather feedback on new task management features. Insights from beta testers can help refine the features and fix any bugs before the official release.

Pilot launch is similar to beta testing but is often conducted with a smaller, more targeted user group. It focuses on assessing the feasibility and impact of a new feature or change in a controlled environment. An educational platform might pilot a new interactive learning module with a specific classroom or school district to evaluate its effectiveness before a broader rollout.

Fake door testing involves presenting a feature that does not yet exist to gauge user interest. For instance, a button for a new feature might be added to the interface, but when users click it, they receive a message that the feature is coming soon. This method helps validate demand before investing in development.

An online service might add a “Try Premium” button to see how many users express interest in a premium subscription before developing the premium features.

Usability testing involves observing active users as they interact with the product to identify usability issues and gather qualitative feedback. This method provides insights into how users perceive and navigate the product, highlighting areas that need improvement.

Mobile apps may conduct usability tests to observe how easily users can navigate through a new feature. Feedback from these sessions can inform design adjustments to enhance the user experience.

By employing a variety of experimental approaches product managers can ensure that their products are not only innovative and user-friendly but also aligned with user needs and business goals.

Spotify’s Feedback-Driven Development

Spotify is a prime example of a company that excels at using feedback to drive product development. One notable instance is the introduction of the “Next Episode” button in podcasts. Initially, Spotify developers noticed that users were requesting an easier way to navigate through podcast episodes. By collecting and analysing this customer feedback, Spotify identified a significant user need.

In response, Spotify developed and tested the “Next Episode” button, initially releasing it to a small group of users. The feedback from this group was overwhelmingly positive, leading to the feature’s full implementation. This example illustrates how effective feedback collection and analysis can lead to impactful product enhancements that resonate with users and improve customer satisfaction.

How to Manage “New Features” Requests in Apps

Many startups fall into the trap of constantly adding new features in response to client demands without fully understanding the broader context. This reactionary approach can lead to a product that is overloaded with features, many of which may not be essential or beneficial to the majority of users. The result is often a cluttered user experience that can confuse and frustrate users, ultimately detracting from the product’s value.

To avoid the pitfalls of feature overload, it is crucial to focus on solving real customer problems. This requires a shift from a feature-centric mindset to a problem-solving approach.

Understanding User Context

Before considering any new feature, it is essential to understand the context in which users operate. This involves gaining insights into their workflows, pain points, and the specific problems they are trying to solve with the app. User interviews, surveys, and direct observations can provide valuable context that informs feature prioritisation.

Prioritising User-Centric Features

Not all feature requests are created equal. Startups must prioritise features that address the most pressing needs of their users. This prioritisation can be guided by the following questions:

  • What are the most common pain points reported by users?
  • Which features will have the most significant impact on user satisfaction and retention?
  • How does the requested feature align with the overall product vision and business objectives?

Costs and Efficiency Assessment

An often overlooked aspect of managing new feature requests is the thorough assessment of costs and efficiency. Adding new features comes with direct and indirect costs that can impact the overall success and sustainability of the product. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a detailed cost-benefit analysis before committing resources to develop new features. It’s not always cost-effective to implement all reported features from customer feedback, especially if their costs exceed potential gains.

The Role of the Product Trio

It is important for the Product Manager (PM) to oversee the entire process, as the product’s success is in their interest. The PM should work closely with the product designer and a technical person (or technical team), creating a so-called “product trio.” Together, the PM, designer, and technical person design the user experience (UX), which is later measured and evaluated for effectiveness.

The designer’s involvement in this process is crucial, as they have a significant impact on how users will perceive the product. The designer needs to know what goals a particular functionality or user interaction is supposed to achieve, whether it’s increasing sales, enhancing user engagement, or improving the user experience. Collaboration within this trio ensures that all aspects of the feature are considered, from technical feasibility to user experience and business impact.

As a result, monitoring and evaluating the implemented feedback is a complex process that requires the collaboration and commitment of the entire product team, including the PM, product designer, and technical person. Actions taken based on gathered feedback and experiment results aim to ensure continuous improvement of the product and meeting user expectations.

If you’re interested in exploring this topic further from a design perspective, we have an insightful article that delves deeper into it.

Netflix’s Feature Management

Netflix provides an exemplary case of managing new feature requests through a data-driven approach. Known for its relentless focus on user experience, Netflix employs extensive A/B testing and data analysis to evaluate potential features. One notable example is the introduction of personalised recommendations, which originated from user feedback about difficulty in finding relevant content. By analysing viewing patterns and testing various recommendation algorithms, Netflix was able to implement a feature that significantly enhanced user engagement and satisfaction.

Implementing Product Analytics

While considering the implementation of product analytics, the key issue is adopting the right approach to the process. Whether at the initial stage of product creation or already operating in the market, it’s never too late to start collecting and analysing data. We simply need to start this process, decide on the most important metrics to monitor and begin. Implementing product analytics involves not only tracking progress but also quickly responding to changes and adapting to new market conditions.

Data analysis helps us better understand our users and tailor our products to their needs and expectations. Therefore, a key issue is properly defining the metrics we want to monitor and choosing analytical tools that allow us to effectively analyse the collected data.

As we create product hypotheses and determine what we aim to achieve with a given functionality, we should anticipate what data we will want to collect and analyse. This allows us to effectively track progress and assess the effectiveness of our actions, enabling us to respond quickly to changes or user needs. This flexibility in adjusting product strategy based on real data before the product hits the market is crucial for long-term success.

It’s important to remember that not all product ideas will turn out to be successful. Examples of failures, such as Google+ or Prima’s unsuccessful approach to product development, show that success is not guaranteed, even for major market players.

We often don’t see all the failed projects because those that fail usually go unnoticed. Therefore, an approach based on data analysis and understanding user needs is crucial. This analysis helps us avoid mistakes made by other companies and focus on what’s really important for our users.

In the context of retention analysis, it’s worth noting that for some products, the period between subsequent user interactions can be long. For example, tax filing applications may be used only once a year. In such cases, it’s important to measure retention in a manner appropriate to the nature of the product, such as by analysing user behaviour over a long period or segmenting users into different groups.

Key Insights and Recommendations

During the development of an application, regardless of its stage of development – whether in the initial phase, during growth, or already on a mature market – it is essential to continuously gather opinions and feedback from users. This is a crucial element that is often overlooked or undervalued.

One of the most common mistakes made by companies, both new and mature in the market, is the lack of regular conversation with users and insufficient listening and analysis. For everyone involved in the product creation process, my main advice would be to always keep the user at the centre of attention.

Working with one of the larger companies that produce supplements for athletes, I noticed that despite having a large user base, the company did not collect customer feedback nor analyse data on app usage. Only after a new Product Manager arrived did systematic user feedback collection and data analysis begin. It is therefore worth avoiding the assumption that the company knows best and is always guided by user needs through regular communication, collecting feedback, and analysing product usage data.

What’s most important is understanding the needs and concerns of users. It requires empathising with their challenges and anticipating their needs. This empathy-driven approach ensures that every feature and every strategic decision is rooted in enhancing the user experience. By consistently prioritising user needs, product managers can create products that not only meet but exceed user expectations.

Another important matter is tracking metrics from the very beginning. Often, data collection, measuring performance indicators and monitoring user behaviour is neglected. Waiting until the end, when you already have a finished product, is a bit too late. Decisions about what and how to measure are strategic and should be made at an early stage. Focusing on key metrics from the beginning will help in data analysis and making sound decisions in the future.

So, effective product management hinges on a user-centric approach, strategic prioritisation of features, robust analytics, and collaborative teamwork. Regular data collection and analysing user feedback is essential to stay attuned to evolving needs and preferences, enabling continuous refinement of the product based on performance metrics. Embracing an iterative development process ensures that products remain responsive to user feedback while fostering a culture of collaboration that keeps stakeholders informed and involved in decision-making processes. Additionally, balancing innovation with stability is crucial; pursuing innovative features should not compromise the stability and performance of core functionalities.

By integrating these principles, product managers can create products that deliver lasting value, foster user satisfaction, and achieve sustained success in a competitive market.

Conclusion: Maximise Your Success with KPIs and Feedback

The role of KPIs and feedback in effective product management cannot be overstated. They are the secret ingredients that can turn a good product into a great one.

KPIs serve as guiding beacons, illuminating the path to organisational success and ensuring that every team member is aligned with the overarching business goals. They provide a factual basis for assessing performance and making evidence-based decisions.

On the other hand, feedback is the lifeblood of product development. It offers invaluable insights into user interactions, highlighting what works well and what needs improvement. It drives innovation by uncovering unmet needs and desires, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

By integrating feedback into the product development process and implementing robust analytics, product managers can create user-centric products that exceed expectations and stand out in a competitive market.

So, let’s harness the power of KPIs and feedback to create products that exceed expectations and leave a lasting impact!

Head of Delivery

Urszula Wawrzeniuk has over a decade of experience as a Senior Manager and Agile & Product Coach. Renowned for her agile-driven project management and dedication to delivering business value, she is pivotal in agile transformations, bolstering team and individual capabilities.

As a Head of Delivery Urszula leads product growth strategies, promotes a user-centred approach, and optimises project processes to ensure peak software delivery performance. She's a respected mentor and consultant in product management and agile methodologies, blending theory with practical insights to promote innovative problem-solving and strategic planning.

Urszula Wawrzeniuk
Urszula Wawrzeniuk

Urszula Wawrzeniuk has over a decade of experience as a Senior Manager and Agile & Product Coach. Renowned for her agile-driven project management and dedication to delivering business value, she is pivotal in agile transformations, bolstering team and individual capabilities. As a Head of Delivery Urszula leads product growth strategies, promotes a user-centred approach, and optimises project processes to ensure peak software delivery performance. She's a respected mentor and consultant in product management and agile methodologies, blending theory with practical insights to promote innovative problem-solving and strategic planning.